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To the break the cycle, we must embrace the will to help our four-legged       friends.


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Our journey began in high school, prompted by the sight of injured street dogs in our neighborhood. Moved by compassion, we initiated a personal mission that quickly transformed into a not-for-profit organization by May 2023, with a like-minded co-founder joining our cause. Starting with a focus on our own colonies, our efforts organically expanded to address the broader issue of street dog welfare. Today, our organization stands as a testament to grassroots initiatives, dedicated to creating dog-friendly neighborhoods and fostering community responsibility. Beyond rescuing and rehabilitating, we strive to weave a narrative of compassion and collective impact. Join us in writing the next chapters, as we work towards a future where every neighborhood is a haven for our four-legged companions, and the spirit of shared responsibility resonates in the hearts of communities.

Our story is one of evolution, from humble beginnings to a community-wide movement. Beyond rescue missions, we emphasize education and awareness to promote responsible pet ownership. Through spaying and neutering campaigns, we tackle the root of the issue. Every paw we protect, every community we engage, is a step towards a world where the well-being of our furry friends is a shared commitment. 

"In the tapestry of compassion, each rescued paw and every engaged community thread together a narrative of shared responsibility. Our journey is a testament to the transformative power of grassroots initiatives, weaving a future where every neighborhood becomes a sanctuary for our four-legged companions, and the symphony of empathy resonates in the hearts of communities."



6+ Cities

Started this project in 2022

More than 150 dogs collared

expanded over 6 cities

Who we are.

"We are the architects of a compassionate journey, founders of a non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of street dogs and the transformation of communities. Our story originated in the corridors of high school, fueled by the poignant sight of injured street dogs in our neighborhood. From those humble beginnings, we evolved into advocates for change, establishing a not-for-profit in May 2023. Beyond rescue missions, our focus extends to community-wide impact, weaving a narrative of responsible pet ownership and awareness. We are a force for transformation, striving to create neighborhoods where every dog finds sanctuary and every community member embraces shared responsibility. Our journey is a testament to the power of grassroots initiatives, a symphony of compassion that resonates in every pawprint and community we touch. Join us as we continue to shape a future where empathy and action intertwine, creating lasting change for our four-legged friends and the communities they call home."

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Madhya Pradesh

Our first dog, "Phuljadhi," symbolizes the heart of our compassionate journey. Named after the spirit of fireworks, her resilience mirrors the transformative power we aspire to instill. Adopted during our high school years, she wore not just a collar but a promise — a promise of care and advocacy. This collar marked the genesis of our grassroots initiative, evolving into a full-fledged non-profit organization in May 2023. Phuljadhi's journey epitomizes our mission, reflecting the narrative we've woven for street dogs and communities. Her collar, like our organization, stands as a beacon of hope, a reminder that every paw deserves compassion, care, and a chance at a brighter future.

Our on-going


" Phuljadhi "

6 Cities

Collaring more than
600+ Dogs

2 Countries


"Phuljadhi's campaign, spanning 5 cities across 2 countries, embodies a cross-border effort to bring comfort to countless canine companions. The distribution of bands is a beacon of hope for street dogs in urban landscapes. As these bands encircle necks, they signify more than a simple accessory; they symbolize a shared commitment to compassion. In each city, the bands are not just distributed; they are bestowed with care, a gesture resonating across borders. From bustling streets to quiet alleys, the campaign aims to weave a thread of empathy that transcends geographical boundaries. Phuljadhi's legacy extends its reach, uniting communities and nations under the common cause of alleviating the plight of our four-legged friends. Join us as we bridge gaps, one collar at a time, in the pursuit of a more compassionate world for all."

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6 Cities, 2 Countries

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